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Available for Commissions!

The artist is IN! I am currently available for commission work of just about any variety (artistically speaking).  Pencil drawings, ink, di...

28 October 2013

101 Things to Do Naked: Now in Paperback!

The book I illustrated for Catherine Roberts, "101 Things to Do Naked' is now available in handy, dandy, paperback format.  Buy it, you will.

25 October 2013

New Work Published - Lovecraft EZine Issue #27

Available online right now, it's the October 2013 issue of the Lovecraft EZine.  This time around, publisher Mike Davis has done his second annual tribute to the classic Lovecraftian novel "A Night in the Lonesome October" by Roger Zelazny.  All the stories published in this issue revolve around the themes and ideas developed by Zelazny in that original novel, itself based on legendary figures such as Sherlock Holmes, Jack the Ripper, Frankenstein and, of course, Lovecraft's Mythos.
This time around, I had the pleasure of providing an illustration for "He Knew Not the Month Was October" by Zach Shephard, possibly the first ever story featuring the kangaroo of the apocalypse.
The entire issue is free to read online right now, with downloadable versions for your mobile device to be available shortly.
But that's not all....if you haven't yet read Zelazny's book (and if not, why not?), there's a chance for you to get your hands on a copy.  Just comment on one of the stories and you will be entered for a chance to win a copy of your very own.  Sweet deal just for reading some great, free fiction.

While you're over there, be sure to check out Lee Copeland's cover for this's a slick Halloween-y piece that is, I think, one of the best pieces of art produced for the magazine yet.

Do yourself a favor this Halloween, and treat yourself to some inspired free fiction from the crew at Lovecraft EZine; reading that's just right for a night in the lonesome October.

Oh..and meantime, here's my contribution to the previous issue, a Chris Pratt-inspired piece for William Meikle's story "Between"....Enjoy.

09 October 2013

New Work Published: 101 Things to Do Naked

It never rains but it pours. Hot on the heels of yesterday's Weird Tales profile, comes this new book from local author Cathy Roberts, "101 Things to do Naked! A Guide to 'Dress-Free' Living". This is a humor book with some expert advice on fun things to do without clothes. I had a bit of fun doing the cover design and a bunch of interior cartoons for this book. It's a nice breezy read that will give you a grin or two, and possibly a few ideas. Go check it out and give it a read; clothing optional.

08 October 2013

I See Weird Things

One of my lifelong favorite publications, Weird Tales Magazine does a weekly online profile of artists under its column "They See the Weird". This week, they've chosen to give me the spotlight. To say I'm excited about this pushes the limits of the definition of "understatement".

If I have to tell you the history behind Weird Tales, you may have been living under a rock since...ever.  These are the people that first published the work of H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard and just about anybody worth mentioning in the golden age of pulps, right down to some of the giants of the modern era.  Seriously, if they're worth reading, they've been in Weird Tales at some point, and if you haven't read Weird Tales, you are missing out.  Big time.

I've been nearly euphoric since I found out about this profile just over a week ago, and nearly frantic with anticipation for it to happen. I can't say "Thank you" often enough to the WT editor who chose me for this honor, nor state how much it means to me to get recognition from so prestigious a publication.

What are you waiting for...get thee over to the Weird Tales website and see it for yourself. I'll just be spinning with joy for a while.

07 October 2013

New Work Published: Battle for Berridor by Dave Brzezinski

Now available for your Kindle device or app, "Battle for Berridor:  Return of the Firebreathers" is a new book by Dave Brzezinski, co-author of the recently featured "Safyre:  Explosive Origins". I had the pleasure of creating the cover illustration for this one.  I don't get the chance to work with dragons very often, so this was definitely fun. 

From the book's description:

"Following many generations without firebreathers, a baby dragon named Uro is unexpectedly born in the kingdom of Berridor. A dragon needs a trainer, and Allard is the young man chosen for the monumental task. As Allard begins to care for the fledgling dragon, he makes many new friends, including Charlotte, the Princess of Berridor.

When a frightening new evil arises from a neighboring kingdom, Allard and Charlotte must work together, with the young dragon, to save Berridor. The unlikely trio will embark upon a dangerous journey through far away lands in order to protect their home and their friends. Along the way, they meet mysterious new people and fascinating creatures, some of them friendly and others dangerous enemies with nefarious intentions. As they journey together, they will learn much about each other and even more about themselves.

As Allard, Charlotte, and Uro race against the clock, they will learn about a past that will forever change their futures. But, will it be in time?"

The book is available right now for just under a buck, so if your a fantasy fan, be sure to give it a try

03 October 2013

New Work Published - Defeat Your Beast

Here's one I'm rather proud of for different reasons than usual.  Not that it's necessarily my greatest work, artistically.  In fact, the art I contributed is rather basic.  I'm proud of this project for its intent.

"Defeat Your Beast" is a book (and soon to be accompanying board game) aimed at younger readers that deals with the subject of social anxiety (the titular "beast") and how to deal with it.  The author is teen student Evan Hennigar, a young author and actor who has appeared in television shows such as "Haven" and "Mr. D", and who, by his own report, has had first hand experience at dealing with anxiety.  Rather than give in to his anxieties, Evan has taken control of the situation by becoming an activist and educator on the topics of anxiety and bullying.

From the book's description:

Defeat Your Beast is the true story of one kid who battles his beast known as anxiety. He battles him, and wins, taking control of his anxiety and taking control of his life.
Evan Hennigar sheds some light on an issue that is largely left in the dark, giving kids with anxiety a voice, hope and understanding.

For the past couple of months, I've been working with Evan's mother, Tina, to help put together a set of illustrations for this project that they have turned into two books, a game, and educational materials to help young people understand and cope with social anxiety.  They've spun this concept out into a series of workshops where Evan speaks to young people on the topic, supported by the materials and links available through Evan's website, where you can also buy the books.

Below is the book trailer on YouTube....check it out, then go to Evan's site to check out the other resources available there, and grab a copy of the book.  If you know a young person dealing with anxiety (and I can almost promise that you do), I hope it will be a valuable tool in helping them to deal with and overcome their problems.