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Available for Commissions!

The artist is IN! I am currently available for commission work of just about any variety (artistically speaking).  Pencil drawings, ink, di...

22 March 2014

The Paladin Freelance Etsy Store is Open!

Here's the deal...I have a large comic collection, about 2000-3000 books.  I've sold off a fair number of them in recent years, but these holdouts haven't sold for one reason or another, mainly because they don't all feature Batman, Superman or Wolverine. 
I've been wanting to do something creative for some time to get these books out my door (aside from putting them in my Halloween give-away box, which I do the tune of about 100 books a year).  I've also always enjoyed doing my own drawings of the characters in these books.  So, I hit on the idea to combine the two interests, in what I'm tentatively calling "Comic + Art" via Etsy. 
Through my storefront, I'm offering original drawings of comic book characters combined with the issue from my comic collection that inspired the drawing.  Most of the drawings will be done on 8 1/2 x 11 110 lb. cardstock, rendered in India Ink with marker grey tones.  Each is selling (for now) for $10 plus shipping, and all orders will be mailed flat and polybagged. 
It's a chance to own an original drawing of some of your favorite comic book characters, and maybe fill in some gaps in your own collection at the same time, or at the very least get some good reading material. 
I have a wide variety of books left in my collection, and will be adding a lot of different character drawings to the store as time goes on.  Drop by often and see what's new, and maybe snag a drawing or two.
Hope to see you there!

18 March 2014

New Print Available: Making the Cut!

For anyone who's interested, my art for the cover of "Making the Cut" from Lovecraft EZine is now available as a print and on several other products via my DeviantArt page.  Go check it out, won't you?

06 March 2014

New Work Published: Making the Cut

Out right this very minute is "Making the Cut", the latest collection of tales from publisher Mike Davis, editor of Lovecraft EZine.  This collection features nine stories from the magazine given "Honorable Mention" by Ellen Datlow in "The Best Horror of the Year Volume 5", so you know it's going to be good. 

The cover, a brilliant bit of design by Leslie Harker, features an original piece of art I created to this volume.  This piece was inspired by the W.H. Pugmire story contained in this book, and was my first finished piece done entirely in Corel Painter. 

Be sure and check it out.  I'd love to hear what anyone thinks of the cover, and I'm sure Mike Davis would love to hear your opinion of the book.