...And We're Back!
After too long a break, I'm back at it. I've been working constantly, of course, but just haven't had time to update the blog. That, of course, is both good and bad. Good in that I've been busy with projects, bad in that it's hard to line up new projects if I'm not out there selling myself.
Speaking of new projects, here's a sample from one I've just completed. This is a page from a book titled "Deathmatch UK", written by Paul Holmes, with art by Nicolas Colacitti and Rodrigo Mavica. The book is currently being submitted to publishers, and if it gets picked up, I've got a pretty good shot at being the regular colorist. Keep your fingers crossed.I'm working on another small project that will be available online in a couple of weeks, so watch for that as well.
This coming weekend, I'm going to be attending the "Word on the Street" book festival in Halifax. It's an annual book fair held in the city that always delivers some nice new discoveries in local literature. Plus, my favorite comic shop, Strange Adventures, always hosts an impressive display there. This year, their exhibitors will include Darwyn Cooke and J. Bone of "The Spirit"...the best non-Eisner treatment of the character possible...Seth of "Clyde Fans" and "Vinyl Cafe" fame, Marvel-zombie and jaw-dropping artist Steve McNiven, "Thieves & Kings" creative genius Mark Oakley, and Eisner award winner Hope Larson. So, it should be a good opportunity to meet some people and snag a few signed books. If you're in the area, I strongly recommend attending and checking out what folks in these parts have to offer.
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