New Work Published: Lovecraft Ezine 21
Once again, I get the honour of gracing the virtual pages of Mike Davis's wonderfully eldritch publication, The Lovecraft EZine. This time, I'm illustrating the exellent pastiche/tribute/unofficial sequel story "Dunwich Redux" by Tim Scott. The illo for this one is, frankly, a compendium of all the Photoshop cheats I know how to employe, including digital painting, photo manipulation, blending layers, custom brushes, and straightforward copying. I've even managed to, very subtly I think, blend in public domain work by Bosch and Brueghel. Despite being a bit of a dog's breakfast, and a rush job too, I think it's actually rather good.
Issue 21 is available for reading on your portable device (Kindle and Nook) right now at Lovecraft EZine. The price has just gone up to $2.99 per issue, but it's well worth it at that price, especially considering that the money also gets you a podcast version of the stories in this issue. I strongly recommend you check it out.
In the meantime, here's my illustration from issue 19 for young author Logan Davis's story "The Amtopians". It was a fun little piece done from Logan's concept sketch and rendered in Photoshop and ArtRage, the latter being not my favorite tool, but a fun toy to try once in a while. Enjoy.