New Work Published: Lovecraft EZine # 23
After a bit of a delay, the latest Lovecraft EZine is online with a raft of new stories for your enjoyment. Once again, I've got a bit of work featured with one of their pieces. This time, it's not an illustration but a photo from my personal archives that I've manipulated a bit for the poem, "Not With A Bang, But Waves Whispering" by Wendy Wagner.
Last summer, I visited family in Newfoundland and took some photos with the intention that they would be used either as reference for illustration, or as illustrations themselves. The photo attached to this story was set up with one of my daughters on the beach. I spent a lot of time playing on these particular rocks when I was growing up, and thought it was great to be able to photograph my own kids in the same setting.
Editing this one for the magazine was simple; I just desaturated the whole thing, ran the History brush over the central figure, then duplicated the rocks to a new layer set to Multiply, applied Threshhold and made judicious use of the eraser.
As always, Lovecraft EZine is free to read online, but I heartily recommend supporting the magazine by purchasing the mobile edition for $2.99, or at least getting the podcast edition for just 99 cents. It's well worth the money, and helps this fantastic publication survive.
Meantime, here's my illustration from issue #21's story, "Dunwich Redux" by Tim Scott. It was a bit of a rush job, but it got the job done. Enjoy.