New Work Published: Lovecraft EZine #11
The latest issue of Lovecraft eZine is up, and this time I've managed to snag myself a cover spot. This time, I depict a Great Old One menacing the shores of a major metropolis....check it out over at Lovecraft eZine.
As usual, you can read the magazine online for free, or pay a small amount to download it for your mobile reading device. I recommend the latter option, since us Lovecraft fans need to be doing as much as we can to keep work like this alive, and publisher Mike Davis really rolls out a top notch effort with every issue. Even better, subscribe to the magazine for a buck a month, and they'll email you the mobile version when it's available.
To really put the icing on the cake, be sure to check out their newest feature, audio versions of the stories in the magazine. Nothing makes that walk in the park more enjoyable than pouring some eldritch horror into your ears!
Just to give you a taste of the kind of work I'm doing for this magazine, here's my illustration for the Henrik Harksen story "Just an Accountant" in issue #9. It's an attempt to evoke a little of the old Virgil Finlay Weird Tales style. Not entirely successful, as I don't yet have Finlay's masterful hand with hatching, but I think it's headed in the right direction. What do you think?